Resilient Social Spaces and Prevention of Radicalisation

Type of project: Research

client/donor: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend

Project team: Sabine Behn, Victoria Schwenzer, Dr. Britta Elena Hecking

Duration: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2022


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Project description

The research project "Resilient Social Spaces and Prevention of Radicalisation", funded within the framework of the federal programme "Living Democracy", investigate which factors contribute to the resilience of social spaces in relation to religiously motivated radicalisation processes. We use the example of two selected inner-city areas and develop recommendations for prevention in social-space networks.

The research project investigates the resilience potential of social spaces in three phases.

First, phenomena of radicalisation processes in two inner-city social spaces are investigated. Subsequently, we investigate which strategies of actors in the social space counteract radicalisation tendencies among adolescents and young adults. The research project takes a socio-spatial perspective on professional and semi-professional actors and their networking structures on the one hand, and a perspective on social interactions in families, schools, youth facilities and peer groups with regard to strengthening the resilience of children and young people on the other.

Finally, we will develop conclusions for prevention work in neighbourhoods and socio-spatial networks based on the empirical results of the research project. These will be validated in quality circles with experts from science and practice. In addition to the research report, the results will form a guideline for social-space-oriented promotion of resilience against religiously motivated extremism - with special consideration of child and youth work facilities.

Both sociospatial methods from urban sociology and ethnology and qualitative methods of empirical social research, which refer to individual and collective patterns of interpretation and life worlds as well as expert knowledge, are applied.