The Camino-Group consists of the two companies "Camino - Werkstatt für Fortbildung, Praxisbegleitung und Forschung im sozialen Bereich gGmbH" and "Camino – Institut für gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und soziale Integration GmbH". The two companies work closely together.
Our evaluations, research, and trainings are participatory, resource-oriented, and strictly directed towards the interests and needs of the participants. At Camino, we believe that the value of our work lies in its usefulness and the support it can provide to our clients and partners.
We aim to improve societal praxis by posing questions to practitioners that provide them with opportunities to reflect on their work, by supporting them in identifying good practices, and by bringing them together to promote joint development of new approaches, strategies, and methods.
You can watch a short info clip introducing us and our work here.
The diversity of our team enables us to combine high levels of topical expertise with strong skills in data collection and analysis to perform a wide range of tasks in research, evaluation, consulting, and professional training.