About us | Team

The Camino-Group consists of the two companies "Camino - Werkstatt für Fortbildung, Praxisbegleitung und Forschung im sozialen Bereich gGmbH" and "Camino – Institut für gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und soziale Integration GmbH". The two companies work closely together.

Our evaluations, research, and trainings are participatory, resource-oriented, and strictly directed towards the interests and needs of the participants. At Camino, we believe that the value of our work lies in its usefulness and the support it can provide to our clients and partners.

We aim to improve societal praxis by posing questions to practitioners that provide them with opportunities to reflect on their work, by supporting them in identifying good practices, and by bringing them together to promote joint development of new approaches, strategies, and methods.

You can watch a short info clip introducing us and our work here.

The diversity of our team enables us to combine high levels of topical expertise with strong skills in data collection and analysis to perform a wide range of tasks in research, evaluation, consulting, and professional training.

Executive Directors

Dorte Schaffranke Portrait
Dorte Schaffranke

Sabine Behn

close Sabine Behn Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0) 30 610 73 72 11

Sabine Behn Portrait
Sabine Behn


Tania Oudemans

Tania Oudemans Portrait
Tania Oudemans

Research and Evaluation Specialists

Dr. Albrecht Lüter

Dr Albrecht Lüter, a political scientist and sociologist, heads the area of violence prevention and anti-discrimination at Camino. Before joining Camino in 2015, he was active in the scientific monitoring and evaluation of federal and state programmes on the prevention of right-wing extremism and the promotion of democracy at the Institute for Social Work and Social Education in Frankfurt am Main (ISS-FfM) since 2009. His professional career has also included positions at the Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB), the International University Bremen, the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen, and the research institute “forsa”.

Current Projects

close Dr. Albrecht Lüter Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0)30 610 73 72 20

Dr. Albrecht Lüter Portrait
Dr. Albrecht Lüter
Anna Lange Portrait
Anna Lange
Dr. Britta Elena Hecking Portrait
Dr. Britta Elena Hecking
Dr. Burglinde Hagert Portrait
Dr. Burglinde Hagert
Carlotta Peters Portrait
Carlotta Peters
Christina Kaps Portrait
Christina Kaps

Dana Breidscheid

Dana Breidscheid has been working at Camino since 2021. First as a working student for the Violence Prevention Unit and since 2024 as a research assistant. She is writing her Master's thesis (Sociology, University of Potsdam) on the self-organized commemoration of victims of right-wing violence.

Dana Breidscheid Portrait
Dana Breidscheid

Helene Misja Saietz Vork

Helene Misja Saietz Vork (she/her) is a political and social scientist (M.A.). Before joining Camino in 2023, she studied International Relations, a Master's program in cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the University of Potsdam. Her interests lie particularly in the areas of anti-discrimination, anti-racism, power-critical educational work, democracy and participation.

Her current work focuses on the scientific monitoring of the project "Countering Antifeminism - Strengthening Democracy", which is funded by the federal program "Demokratie leben!".

Current Projects

close Helene Misja Saietz Vork Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0)30 610 73 72-0

Helene Misja Saietz Vork Portrait
Helene Misja Saietz Vork
Dr. Kari-Maria Karliczek Portrait
Dr. Kari-Maria Karliczek

Magdalena Hirsch

Magdalena Hirsch studied social psychology (M.Sc., Utrecht University). Since 2022, she is research fellow at Camino and monitors projects related to prevention of violence and democratization. Before that, she was a research fellow at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) investigating the sources of right-wing populist attitudes.

close Magdalena Hirsch Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0) 30 610 73 72 23

Magdalena Hirsch Portrait
Magdalena Hirsch
Meike Prillwitz Portrait
Meike Prillwitz

Moritz Fedkenheuer

close Moritz Fedkenheuer Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0) 30 610 73 72 0

Moritz Fedkenheuer Portrait
Moritz Fedkenheuer

Moritz Konradi

Moritz Konradi is a political scientist (diploma, Free University of Berlin), a criminologist and police scientist (MA, Ruhr University in Bochum). For Camino he leads projects on violence prevention. Before joining Camino as a research and evalutaion specialist in 2020, he was programme manager at the European Forum for Urban Security in Paris. Up to 2016, he worked as a project co-ordinator for crime prevention at an anti-violence project in Berlin and was a lecturer at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science and at the Berlin Police Academy.

His current focus is on the evaluation and monitoring of projects in the areas of community violence and crime prevention and in the topic area of anti queer violence.

Current Projects

close Moritz Konradi Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0)30 610 73 72 17

Moritz Konradi Portrait
Moritz Konradi
Philippe Greif Portrait
Philippe Greif

Dr. Sarah Riese

Sarah Riese is a doctor of political science and co-director of the Violence Prevention Unit.

Before joining Camino’s Youth Violence Prevention Unit in 2019, she ran the funding department of the Schüler Helfen Leben foundation and monitored education projects in Southeast Europe and the Middle East. Before this, she was involved in research projects on post-war processes at the Free University of Berlin, the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and the University of Ottawa.

Her current focus is on the evaluation of projects in the areas of right-wing extremism and violence prevention.

Current Projects

close Dr. Sarah Riese Portrait


Telephone: 030-6107372-0

Dr. Sarah Riese Portrait
Dr. Sarah Riese

Sarah Vollmer

Sarah Vollmer is a political scientist (M.A.)

Before joining Camino in 2023, she studied Applied Political Science (M.A.), a German-French double degree programme, at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Institut d'études politiques in Aix-en-Provence.

As a research assistant at the University of Freiburg, she was involved in the evaluation of the Dietenbach deliberative process between 2021 and 2022.

Current Projects

close Sarah Vollmer Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0) 30 610 73 72 24

Sarah Vollmer Portrait
Sarah Vollmer
Theresa Kunze Portrait
Theresa Kunze
Victoria Schwenzer Portrait
Victoria Schwenzer

Willi Imhof

Willi Imhof is a sociologist and research specialist at the Violence Prevention Unit. Before joining Camino in 2017, he supported the Youth Violence Prevention Unit, initially as a freelancer.

The focus of his work takes in the socio-spatial Berlin Violence Prevention Monitoring as well as the evaluation of social projects, particularly in the area of violence prevention in schools and the promotion of democracy. His preferred methodological focus is on qualitative research approaches and online surveys.

Current Projects

close Willi Imhof Portrait


Telephone: +49 (0)30 610 73 72 26

Willi Imhof Portrait
Willi Imhof

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte

Research Assistants

Brinda Heckmann

Brinda Heckmann Portrait
Brinda Heckmann

Frieder Decker

Frieder Decker studies Political Science (B. A.) at the Freie Universität Berlin and has previous experience in the field of political education. They have joined Camino in March 2024 and are part of the team for the developement of a "Landesstrategie für queere Sicherheit und gegen Queerfeindlichkeit".

Current Projects

Frieder Decker Portrait
Frieder Decker
Julia Grau Portrait
Julia Grau
Nike Bartz Portrait
Nike Bartz
Rada Pantelic Portrait
Rada Pantelic
